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At the expense of it at a small damage it is possible to replace an external part, without dawdling with демонтажем mechanisms Glass lifts and деблокировки . Care of a sealant of doors External уплотнители which are in one plane with doors, in Audi A4 require special leaving since cracks in them cause not only thinnesses, but also raised шумообразование during movement. The best conditioning agent behind sealants is олений fat. It has a pleasant by-effect: in the winter it does not suppose примерзания a sealant to a body that relieves of burdensome warming by its hair dryer. Door dismantle PERFORMANCE ORDER
Adjustment is carried out by following criteria: The sizes of cracks at forward and back edge of a door should be the following: a wing at a forward door of 4 mm, a forward door at a back door of 5 mm, a back door to a lateral detail of 3,5 mm. Establish doors correctly. The body contour should be sustained: longitudinal пеленг consists in that metal edges of doors were not allocated on a contour of a body with a step or that the door has not been established too highly or too deeply. It is necessary to avoid wind noise. It can achieve by correct adjustment of a door: for this purpose, first of all, it is necessary, that the frame of a window with the lining densely adjoined to a doorway.